Feedback and complaints
We want to hear from you
We welcome feedback or complaints from the people we support, their families, carers, government funding agents, other agencies, and the public.
We take all information received seriously and endeavour to reach a satisfactory resolution within a reasonable timeframe.
The information you provide will be used to investigate your complaint and may need to be discussed with the person involved.
It is ok if you prefer to remain anonymous, however, it may limit our ability to respond to you or to investigate the matter. Nonetheless, we will still treat anonymous feedback and complaints with the same care, respect, and due consideration.
You can submit your feedback or complaint using the form in this page.
For more information, please see our Feedback and Complaints Policy.

Submit your feedback:
What if I need help to make a complaint?
It is okay to ask someone you trust to help you make a complaint. This might be a family member, friend, Marist180 staff member, or public advocate. If you need help making a complaint, please call (02) 9672 9200 during bussiness hours.
Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS)
If you need to use an interpreter, you can arrange your own, or Marist180 can provide one at no cost to you.
Phone: 131 450
What happens after I submit my feedback or complaint?
If you have provided your contact details, we will be in touch within 2 working days to let you know we have received your feedback, and to discuss what will happen next. If you have not heard from us, please contact us again as we may not have received.
Marist180 aims to resolve complaints promptly, and within 30 days wherever possible. We will investigate the problem, decide on actions to be taken, and keep you informed throughout the process.
If you do not provide your details, we will carefully consider what you have said and improve our services and staff training wherever possible.
What if I’m not satisfied with the response?
Marist180 encourages you to contact us first to try to resolve your complaint. However, at any time you have the right to take your complaint outside Marist180.
There are external bodies in each state of Australia who can help with complaints if you are not happy with the way your complaint has been dealt with. Click here for more information.